Purba Bharati Gas Pvt Ltd 

Piped Natural Gas (PNG)

How to get a PNG connection?

Obtaining a gas supply is a simple process. The procedure consists of the following steps:


Once registration formalities are completed by filling in the form, agreement document and payment of the fixed amount to the Company, the connection will be provided. A meter, a valve and a regulator will be installed along with the pipes. Once this process is over, there will be uninterrupted supply of safe fuel gas as per requirements.

Do & Don't for PNG Users


User must use of clamps to secure the hose pipe at both ends. If damaged, please replace immediately. We advice png users to check this regularly
User must use of Gas company approved/recommended Hose pipes and not others.
For better safety, users must keep all exhausts open ( window/exhaust) fan while using PNG.
In case of any leakage, users must immediately close the main isolation valve and call PNG customer helpline


PNG users should never let alteration in the configuration of gas equipment (arrangements, pipes, fittings etc) by self or any unauthorized person/company rather authorized technician should be called upon for any configuration related work like change, upgrade or replacements, if required
There shouldn’t be any spark, fire or smoke near leakage area.
User must avoid cooking or electrical gadget operations near leakage area
Any excavation, digging or construction work is not allowed near gas pipeline. Prior permission is required to be taken from Gas Company for any such work
User must not install gas geyser in any concealed area including bathroom


Yes, Absolutely. PNG is more advantageous than LPG. There are several reasons as to why PNG is more advantageous than LPG. Continuous and uninterrupted supply – PNG will be supplied 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the year. No question of storing PNG.
Yes, some minor changes to the stove are necessary which shall be carried out by our authorized technician at the time of installation.
You will have to return the cylinder to your current gas supplying company after which you will get your deposit refund back from them.

Yes, connection in a rented house is possible against the tenant, if the owner of the house/landlord issues a No Objection Certificate to the tenant.